KPI Solutions  /  NBWA 2024
NBWA 2024

National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) Annual Convention 2024

Thank You for connecting with us at this year’s NBWA Annual Convention!

The PDC Team at NWBA 2024

Precision Distribution Consulting (PDC), now KPI Solutions, provides independent, unbiased consulting to beverage distribution networks across North America.

Our mission is to provide engineered solutions of unparalleled quality while providing our clients with premier personalized service. We provide conventional and automated solutions based on comprehensive analysis, sound first-hand operational principles, and a level of detail unparalleled in our industry.

KPI Solutions PDC Greg Ellis Matt Ellis Nick Full

Featured Automation Solutions

KPI Solutions PDC Beverage Distribution Solutions
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Opto Software
KPI Solutions PDC Beverage Distribution Solutions
Independent Consulting


PDC is a trusted, neutral consulting firm that tailors engineered solutions for automation, network strategy, conventional warehousing, and improved operational processes.

Mixed-Case Palletizing & Depalletizing

We develop palletizing, depalletizing and case packing solutions in order to allow our customers to automate their inbound and outbound processes.

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Automated Pallet Storage

These integrated systems offer specially designed storage with a flexible number of shuttles, controlled automatically by the software.

Opto Software
Warehouse Software Suite

Opto’s system-independent features simplify the transition to automated systems and increases operational efficiency by orchestrating order flow with labor and automation.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024 8:00–9:15a.m.

The “Who, What, Where, When, and Why” of Warehouse Automation

Matt Ellis, Chief Systems and Consulting Officer, PDC/KPI Solutions

To keep pace with changing dynamics and rising portfolio and labor-related costs, distributors must continue to modernize their thought process toward warehouse operations. Complexity safety, ergonomics, and labor availability are forcing the question, “What else is out there?”

Warehouse technologies like automated case handling, automated storage and retrieval systems, conveyance systems, and varying degrees of information system solutions are all garnering attention. As the number of potential solutions increases, so too does the complication of vetting solutions to determine the best path forward. Compounded by the need to align warehouse technology with ever-changing order profiles and customer requirements.

This session will review today’s warehouse technology options and break down best practices for properly selecting and implementing the right solution. Selection criteria such as volume applicability, scalability, flexibility, vendor evaluation, implementation options, maintenance, and ease of management will be explored through installation examples.

Matt Ellis Peaker at NBWA 2024
Learn More About RAPTOR

RAPTOR (Robotic Arm Picking to Order Release) systems utilize robotic arms to integrate with AMRs, conveyors, manual loads, Innopick, AS/RS, case shuttles, and virtually any other technology to improve fulfillment efficiency dramatically.

What Comes Next?

  • Arrange a site visit to observe the operations and define goals and objectives
  • Develop the scope of work necessary to achieve goals and objectives
  • Collect operating data to perform the necessary analytics
  • Model agreed-upon operating scenarios and design criteria
  • Develop a range of operating designs and associated performance attributes
  • Perform operational and financial evaluation to define the optimal solution and supporting business case

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